Consulting Services

Our consulting services offer a unique experience not available through other companies.  We offer individual or group consulting services on personal firearm selection, home risk assessment, home defense planning, and work environment defense planning.  We enhance your consulting experience by offering to come to you and frequently do on-site evaluations and assessments.  


Home defense planning and risk assessment

We come to your home and conduct a risk assessment.  This includes details such as what kind of neighborhood the home is located in, outside security, inside security, floor plan layout, etc.  Then we develop a custom defense plan based on the risk assessment results and number of family members.  Each family member plays a role in the plan.  Finally we make recommendations on products that will further increase physical security.  

Personal firearm selection consultation

Shopping for a firearm can be daunting.  There are hundreds of details to be aware of when selecting your firearm.  Wouldn't it be nice to have an expert accompany you while shopping. A certified gunsmith will walk you through the process of selecting your firearm and help you avoid purchasing the wrong gun.  The process starts with an interview where your needs are assessed.  Then a fitting is done to narrow down the different choices.  Finally a trip to the gun shop is done to handle a list of firearms that were selected based on the interview and fitting information.  


Work environment defense planning

Unfortunately workplace violence is becoming very common.  We offer custom planning for individual employees who want to increases their personal safety and for business owners who want to create a more secure work environment.  For individuals we conduct an interview, look at the building layout, and create a custom defense plan.  For business owners we conduct a risk assessment of the building and develop a custom defense plan based on the layout and number of employees.